10 Places to Get Free Online Education

  • 10 Places to Get Free Online Education
We search on the internet for free educational stuff online and most of the times we do not get our desired thing free . You might not be aware that many popular universities of the world are running free courses online

The National Program  on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) is a Government of India sponsored collaborative educational programme . NPTEL offers free 129 courses of Engineering . In addition, 110 courses have been developed in video format, with each course comprising of approximately 40 or more one-hour lectures.

2. MIT Open CourseWare
MIT's Open CourseWare  Consortium bring together courses from 22 different universities including MIT . These courses are under tons of different subjects like Business , Economics , Architecture , Physics and Engineering . Most courses offered on OpenCourseWare are available as free audio or video lectures for free, and under open licenses.

3. WikiVersity
Wikiversity is a Wikimedia Foundation project devoted to learning resources, learning projects, and research for use in all levels from pre-school to university, including professional training and informal learning. WikiVersity is an excellent source of free text based courses . Its courses can include anything from from links to a Wikibook for that subject (which is a very well-done online textbook), courses on other sites (including some of the sites mentioned above), and online textbooks from other universities. 

4Academic Earth 
Academic earth offers free online video lectures from 19 Universities  such as UC Berkeley,  Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Stanford etc in the subjects of Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, English, Entrepreneurship, History, Law, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, and Religion. Its search engine also allows for  specific searching—that is, instead of just searching for courses you can search for a specific topic or class .

5TextBook Revolution
If you are a person who find it difficult to follow video lectures because either the lectures are too fast or too slow , then text based learning is best for you . Textbook Revolution provides a free textbooks which are search-able by subjects .Some of the educational material is from students and Professors across the globe . 

If you're an iPod, iPhone, or iPad user then you can study and learn anything , anywhere and anytime . iTune -U offers everything from lectures to language lessons , audiobooks to tours and you can download these lectures and take them with you .

7. Open Culture
Open Culture offers 300 free online courses from Top Universities of the world and you can download all these courses in audio , video and mp3 format .

8. Education Portal 
Education Portal compiles together learning resources from different universities and schools of the world .It also offers 10 scholarship programs in a variety of subjects for students pursuing all degree levels (associate, bachelor, and graduate).

9. ArsDigita University  (Aduni)
ArsDigita University also offers free video courses on various fields on science , maths and engineering .

10 Khan Academy 
Khan Academy offers 1800+ videos on various educational topics  . The Khan Academy also provides a web-based exercise system that generates problems for students based on skill level and performance.

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