No Internet Explorer 9 For Windows XP Users

No Internet Explorer 9 For Windows XP Users

Yesterday Microsoft rolled out Internet Explorer 9 . The Beta Version of Internet Explorer 9 (IE 9) is now available for download . With the launch Microsoft also showcased the latest  features of IE 9 and claimed that this IE 9 Beta is going to be much faster than other browsers available on the web . But the sad thing is, its going to run only on Windows7 .

Microsoft is targeting to increase the sale of Windows 7 with the launch of IE 9 . Microsoft's this idea may not be fruitful , as more than 55 %  users still use Windows XP  and these users wont be able to use IE 9 .

Lets now talk about the features of IE 9 . This browser comes with preloaded Bing search engine  The buttons and menus have been removed . The URL bar and the tab bar has been combined into a single bar . To know more about it features you can watch the video below . And if you wish to give IE 9 Beta a try , you can download it from here 



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