There were 3 rounds.

1) Written(Objective: Aptitude+OOPS+RDBMS+file storage system+programming concepts)
2) HR Interview
3) Technical Interview


Time: 1 hour

Questions: 30+30 (+1 for correct answer and no negative marking). Aptitude questions were very simple. Even a 10 class student can score 30 out of 30. Technical questions are as follows: don't remember complete questions but i will write only topic name.

1) Far pointer concept

2) Little endian and big endian coversion

3) Bit wise ANDing, ORing

4) Can a structure be declared in void main()

5) Tree traversing: Infix was given and had to convert to prefix
6) Virtual functions

7) Inheritence

Cool Can constructors be overloaded

9) Arrange in ascending oreder: bit, field, byte, record, file(or table), database

10) Surrogate key

11) Primary key

12) Direct memory access

13) How to find structure size without using sizeof() operator:
Ans: (char*)(ptr+1)-(char*)(ptr) where ptr is an pointer object of the structure
14) Quick sort concept

15) Quick sort complexity

16) Merge sort complexity

17) Merge sort is the technique which requires extra space.

1Cool Types of SQL commands:
Ans: ddl, dml and dcl

19) Which of the following can be used as a filter.
(a) Select (b) Where (c) Group by (d) Having
20) sql command

21) Immediate addressing(from micrprocessors)

22) Encapsulation